Lot n° 91
Estimation :
5000 - 6000
Result with fees
: 3 295EUR
FLAUBERT Gustave (1821-1880). - Lot 91
FLAUBERT Gustave (1821-1880).
autograph manuscript, Histoire Romaine, [ca. 1835- 1840]; ca. 98 pages on 56 folios in autograph folder, ca. 29.5 x 19.5 cm (upper edge of 1st folio, larger, slightly faded).
Important set of notes after Michelet which will be used for Salammbô. The Roman History of MICHELET (1831), and particularly the part devoted to Carthage and to the war of the Mercenaries, served as a trigger for Flaubert for his novel Salammbô; (see below the letter to Michelet of spring 1857). Flaubert then resumed his youthful notes. The notes on Michelet occupy the first 45 sheets, and are devoted to the Republic; they go up to the victory of Octavian over Antony; they are supplemented by 11 sheets according to the Manuel de l'histoire ancienne (3rd ed., 1836) of the German Arnold Hermann Ludwig HEEREN (1760-1842), which continue the historical chronology up to the reign of Théodose. The notes on Michelet (from which Flaubert discards some chapters) include the following headings: "Origin, organization of the city"; "Pelasges"; "Osci - Latins - Sabins"; "Tusci or Etruscans"; "Probable origin of Rome - Republic, heroic age. Curia and centuries. Struggle of patricians & plebeians. Tribunate"; "First wars. Agrarian law. Colonies. The XII tables. Capture of Veïes by the Romans, of Rome by the Gauls"; "Conquest of central Italy - War of the Samnites 343-283"; "Conquest of southern Italy.
War of Pyrrhus or war of the Greek Mercenaries in Italy 281- 267"; "Punic War 265-241. Reduction of Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia, Italian Gaul, Illyria & Istria 238-219"; "Second Punic War"; "Greece invaded by the arms of Rome. Philip, Antiochus 260-189"; "Rome invaded by the ideas of Greece. Scipio, Ennius, Nœvius, Cato"; "Reduction of Spain and the Greek states. Perseus. Destruction of Corinth, Carthage & Numance 189-134"; "Tribunate of the Gracchi"; "Social war. The Italians force Rome to grant them the right of citizenship. Social and civil war of Marius and Sylla. Dictatorship of Sylla. Victory of the nobles over the knights, of Rome over the Italians. 100-77"; "Pompey & Cicero. Re-establishment of the knights' domination. Sertorius. Spartacus, the pirates. Mithridates (77-64)"; "Julius Caesar. Catilina. Consulate of Caesar. Gallic War. Civil war. Dictatorship of Caesar and his death. 63-44"; "Caesar avenged by Octavian & Antony. Victory of Octavian over Antony, of the West over the East. 44-31 ". The rest of the notes, according to Heeren, are devoted to the Emperors (with the dates of the reign, and the Roman name): Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, Galba, Vitellius, Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, Nerva, Trajan, Adrian, Antoninus the Pious, Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Macrin, Heliogabalus, Alexander Severus, Maximin, Gordian, Julius Philippi, Decius, Gallus, Æmilian, Valerian, Gallian, Aurelius Claudius (Claudius II), Aurelian, Claudius Tacitus, Probus, Carus, Diocletian, Constantine, Julian the Apostate, Jovian, Valentinian I, Gratian, Theodosius the Great. Let us quote the chapter devoted to the Second Punic War (with this marginal note in pencil "Spendius Mathos"): "Hamilcar Barca, hampered by the Carthaginian administration, under the influence of the merchants and the financiers had left the command of the army. The army returns from Sicily to Carthage to be paid. The Carthaginians asked their leaders to lead them to Sicca by giving each man a gold coin. Then they were asked by the organ of Hannon (a financier a man who had never been to war) the handing-over of a part of their pay. They marched towards Carthage in the number of twenty thousand and camped in Tunis. Fear of Carthage, deputation of Gescon, he is willing to pay the pay by nations. Conduct of the Campanian Spendius & the African Mathos. The Africans join the rebels - take Gescon's money & put him in irons "... Etc. Provenance : Caroline Franklin-Grout-Flaubert (Flaubert's niece), sale Antibes 28-30 April 1931, n° 175.
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