Friday 15 December 2023 14:00
Salle 12 - Hôtel Drouot , 9, rue Drouot 75009 Paris
Sale information

Public exhibitions:

Thursday, December 14, 11am to 8pm.

Friday, December 15, 11am to 12pm.

Telephone during the exhibition: 01 48 00 20 12.


Marion MARTINOT-DORE - Tel : 01 48 01 91 03


Purchase orders - telephone auctions:

Isolde MILLIERE - 01 48 01 91 08

Sales conditions

Sales conditions

Purchasers will pay in addition to the hammer price, a buyer’s premium of:

-      25% (VAT inc.).

-      1,20 % (VAT inc.) DrouotLive.

In accordance with the law, DROUOT ESTIMATIONS is responsible for the contents stated in the catalogue, subject to amendments announced by the auctioneer during the sale when presenting the lot.

The dimensions are given on an indicative basis.

No complaint related to restorations, small accidents, and condition will be accepted as the public exhibition allows a proper examination by the buyer.

Indications about the condition are available upon request to the auctioneer in charge of the sale.

Absentee and phone bids

Auctioneers and experts execute, free of charge, absentee and phone bids, for those who cannot attend the sale.

Anyone wishing to set up a phone bid will need to send a request by email, attaching a copy of his ID and bank details, at the latest the day before the sale.

Experience reveals that communications are not always possible due to technical problem or lack of reception, therefore a phone bid request assumes that THE BUYER AGREES TO BID TO THE LOW ESTIMATE PLUS ONE MORE BID in case the connection is lost for any reason.

Drouot Estimations cannot be responsible for failing to execute a bid.

To request an absentee or phone bid :


Any purchase will need to be paid during or right after the sale.

Should the buyer fail to pay the amount due by cash, cheque or credit card, the lot may be re-offered for sale, under the French procedure known as “procedure de folle enchère”, immediately or at the first opportunity with payment of the difference by the first bidder, proceedings of the payment at the expense of the bidder, cancellation of the sale without any fees.

Payment can be made in the following ways:

- By credit card in the saleroom: Visa or Mastercard

- By certified cheque or crossed cheque in euros, upon presentation of a valid passport. In case of payment by non-certified cheque, the collection of purchase may be postponed until the money has been received.

Collections will be postponed for any payment by cheque above € 1,000 until the funds have been credited to our account.

- By bank transfer in euros:




IBAN : FR76 3000 4008 2800 0106 2854 076

Any buyer who wants to make a payment by bank transfer from a foreign account must take in account additional fees from his bank remaining at his own charge.

- In cash (decret of June 24, 2015) : up to € 1,000 (inc. premium) for French citizens or professionals and up to € 15,000 (inc. premium) for foreign citizens upon presentation of valid passport and evidence of residence abroad.

Collection and storage

For this sale, lots will be stored free of charge at Drouot Estimations during 15 days following the sale, after that charges will apply.

Collection must be made at Drouot Estimations, 7 rue Drouot, 75009 Paris, Monday to Friday 10am-1pm & 2-5pm.

Drouot Estimations will not send any sold item by mail and purchasers will need to organize their own way of shipping.

If the buyer has no carrier, any request for shipping can be made directly to Drouot Transport (01 48 00 22 49, Payment for the transport will need to be made directly to Drouot Transport.

No purchase will be delivered without reception of full payment.

Bought lots remain entirely under the buyer’s responsibility as soon as the sale has happened.



Drouot Estimations applies the technical regulations per the law, through the decree n°2002-65 from January 14th 2002.

Regarding the stones :

a) Drouot-Estimations designates stones modified by "traditional lapidary practices" the same way as those that have not been modified.

b) Drouot Estimations designates stones modified by other processes by the name of the stone followed by the word "treated", or by the indication of the treatment undergone when these stones have been analyzed in a gemological laboratory.

Unless other mention in the catalog, when stones are in series or in paving, they have not been analyzed to identify any non-traditional lapidary treatments.

Only certain stones have been analyzed, and the results are limited to those analyzed. These results are indicated in the catalog.

Stones not accompanied by laboratory certificates or attestations have been described by Drouot Estimations, taking into account the modifications of the a).

c) Drouot Estimations uses the generic term PIERRE/STONE followed by a color to designate the following stones : synthetic stones, artificial stones and imitations of gemstones.

Regarding the watches:

Restorations, modifications, technical features, serial numbers, dimensions, weights are notified in so far as we are able.

These elements are given on an indicative basis only to make the inspection easier for the potential buyer,and remain subject to his personal assessment.

The auctioneer’s and expert’s responsibilities cannot be questioned in case of potential omissions despite the taken precautions.

Missing indications does not imply that a watch can be faultless.

No guarantee can be made on the conditions of watches and bracelets.

Revisions, adjustments, and waterproofness remain at the buyer’s charge.

The gold, platinum and silver mentions without additional information describe the lots as per 750 thousandth for gold, 950 thousandth for platinum and 925 thousandth for silver.


* The objects described in this catalog and mentioned as made of elephant ivory Elephantidae spp (I/A), prior to March 3rd 1947, under the EC Regulation 338/97 of 12/09/1996 determining "specimens crafted acquired more than fifty years ago", can be sold after obtaining a CIC (K) prior to any sale, in accordance with EU Commission Regulation 2021/2280 of the 12/16/2021 which took effect on January 19th 2022.

The bidder acknowledges by participating in the sale to know the applicable regulations.

The CIC will be given to the successful bidder with the object.

The item will be in principle prohibited from leaving the European Union.

The successful bidder is solely responsible for taking all steps resulting from the particular nature of such a lot under his responsibility as soon as the sale is announced.

It is the buyer's responsibility to obtain any export or import licenses and/or certificates and any other required documentation. The purchaser expressly acknowledges that he is personally responsible for all due procedures relating in particular to the possession and circulation of such an object.

In particular, it is up to him to take the steps imposed by his possible resales or exports, in particular to solicit at his expense and risks the CIC of re-export which would be necessary. The issuance of such a document is not automatic.

For a possible re-export, it is up to the successful bidder to find out - prior to any purchase - about the import conditions from the competent authorities of the destination country.

The successful bidder agrees to present his identity documents and to communicate his contact details prior to the delivery of the lot.

The impossibility of exporting or importing the lot does not justify a delay in payment of the due amount or the cancellation of the sale.

*** Coral specimen complying with the Regulations CE 338-97 art. of December 9th 1996. Prior to June 1, 1947.

Prospective purchasers of or incorporating endangered and other protected species of wildlife such as, ivory, and certain species of coral, are advised that several countries require a permit (e.g., a CITES permit) from the relevant regulatory agencies in the countries of exportation as well as importation.

Accordingly, clients should familiarize themselves with the relevant customs laws and regulations prior to bidding on any property with wildlife material if they intend to import the property into another country, specifically if it is the United States of America.


° Pre-Convention Chelonioidea spp (I/A) sea turtle shell specimen, prior to July 1, 1947 and therefore in accordance with EC Regulation 338/97 of 09/12/1996 art.2-Wmc.